Massimo Banzi Grande

Massimo Banzi Grande by JohnEdgarPark
Massimo Banzi Grande, a photo by JohnEdgarPark on Flickr.

From the Arduino blog: “I post this for the sheer delight on the face of Massimo.” If you don’t know Massimo, he’s one of the creators of Arduino, and a wonderful guy. He really liked my Arduino GRANDE!

Arduino GRANDE at Maker Faire

IMG_5056 by JohnEdgarPark
IMG_5056, a photo by JohnEdgarPark on Flickr.

This is my Maker Faire Bay Area 2012 project, the Arduino GRANDE. It is a fully functional Arduino that is about six times larger than real life. Come hear all about it at the Maker Faire this coming weekend, May 19th and 20th. I’ll be doing talks and demos on Saturday.